Meet Sea Otter Surrogate Mother Nova!
Photo by Robin Riggs, via Aquarium of the Pacific, which writes:
We’re otterly excited to introduce you to Nova, a seven-year-old southern sea otter who has been participating in Sea Otter Surrogacy behind the scenes of the Aquarium since last autumn.
Nova is described by staff as an extremely quick learner who loves enrichment time. She is very chatty and will let her team know vocally (and loudly) when she is ready for more snacks. Her favorite activities are long naps in tubs filled with ice water and wrapping herself up in artificial kelp like a burrito.
Deemed non-releasable by US Fish & Wildlife, Nova has been an amazing surrogate mother behind the scenes. She is taking a break from surrogacy and is currently on exhibit in the Northern Pacific Gallery. Animals on exhibit change periodically due to our participation in this important conservation program, stop by a sea otter show to learn who is on exhibit during your visit!
Our Sea Otter Surrogacy partnership with Monterey Bay Aquarium launched in 2020. At a special surrogacy area built behind the scenes, the Aquarium’s female non-releasable southern sea otters serve as surrogate mothers to teach rescued sea otter pups the skills needed to survive in the ocean. Once the pups learn the proper skills, they return to the Monterey Bay Aquarium for potential release.