Little Otters Are All Grown Up Now

Little Otters Are All Grown Up Now

Via Oregon Zoo, which writes:

Happy otterversary Flora and Hobs! These two water weasels joined the river otter family 4 years ago [yesterday].

Flora was found wandering a construction site near Gold Beach. Oregon State Police took her to Wildlife Images Rehabilitation & Education Center in nearby Josephine County. Wildlife Images, a nonprofit facility, cared for the animal while final placement was determined by staff at the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Since the young otter could not be reunited with her mom, and would not be able to survive in the wild without her, ODFW contacted the Oregon Zoo to see whether it had space available once the pup's health stabilized.

Hobson, who was suffering from a respiratory infection, was found near a golf course in McMinnville and was temporarily cared for at the Turtle Ridge Wildlife Center near Salem. He too was deemed unable to be released by wildlife officials.

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