You've Heard of Rafts, But Have You Heard About Super-rafts?

You've Heard of Rafts, But Have You Heard About Super-rafts?

Via Sea Otter Savvy, which writes:

Have you heard about the sea otter super-rafts? This winter [early 2023], large rafts numbering a hundred or more sea otters have been spotted at a few locations around the Monterey Bay Area.

Sea otter scientists are all abuzz with discussions about where, how, when, and why, but it seems likely that the upheaval of recent storms is a factor. Usually very faithful to their home ranges, individuals might join super-rafts to find security and refuge in numbers and in the limited winter kelp canopy.

Please observe from afar. We suggest giving super-rafts extra space—keep a minimum of 8 kayak lengths away. Best viewing? From shore with a scope or binoculars. 🔭

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