Are You Going to Clap? Okay, Round of Applause, Then!

Are You Going to Clap? Okay, Round of Applause, Then!

Via Shedd Aquarium, which writes:

Checking in on Cooper & Watson! This bonded pair of southern sea otters were found along the coast of California within two days of each other. The two infants became fast companions at Monterey Bay Aquarium's sea otter nursery before arriving together at Shedd in 2019. Today, Cooper & Watson are still closely bonded & can be seen spending time together. You can tell them apart by the fur on their faces. Cooper’s fur is starting to gray on his face & head, making him the second lightest-colored otter (he is not quite as gray as Luna!) Watson still has dark fur all over his face, head & body, but he is larger than Suri & Willow who share his dark coloring.

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What Is Carwash Kelp?

Otter Contemplates the Changing of Seasons

Otter Contemplates the Changing of Seasons