TBT to Sea Otters Cooper and Watson When They Were Just Wee Pups

TBT to Sea Otters Cooper and Watson When They Were Just Wee Pups

Via Shedd Aquarium, which writes:

Happy Birthday, Cooper and Watson! We don’t know exactly when these 3-year-old sea otters were born but our best estimate is that Cooper was born around 4/27 and Watson on 5/6. Found lost and without their mothers to teach them essential survival skills Cooper and Watson were rescued by [Monterey Bay Aquarium] before eventually finding a home here at Shedd as ambassadors for their species.

"Talk to the Hand, Human." "Yeah! Blpblpblp!"

"Talk to the Hand, Human." "Yeah! Blpblpblp!"

Otter Attack Incoming!

Otter Attack Incoming!