Don't Snooze Through Sea Otter Awareness Week 2021!

Don't Snooze Through Sea Otter Awareness Week 2021!

Don't Snooze Through Sea Otter Awareness Week 2021! 1
Don't Snooze Through Sea Otter Awareness Week 2021! 2

Yes, it’s that time again: Sea Otter Awareness Week! Actually, it started yesterday, but I sheepishly admit to you… I forgot. Yes, I, the Daily Otter, snoozed through the first day of SOAW. But it’s not too late to celebrate!

SOAW falls on the last week of September every year and is an opportunity to educate the public about the importance of sea otters and their invaluable place in their ecosystem. Defenders of Wildlife writes:

Annually, throughout the last week of September, we celebrate sea otters during Sea Otter Awareness Week. We encourage zoological and educational institutions, governmental agencies and communities to plan and undertake events that highlight sea otters. These activities include sharing stories, disseminating science and generating media that inspire a deeper awareness of these unique marine mammals, their ecological importance and the many challenges they face.

In previous years aquariums around the world held special events, but like in 2020 many will be held remotely. Head over to Defenders of Wildlife for a list of online events you can tune in to and check with your local aquarium for any events not listed with DOW!

Photos via Seattle Aquarium

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