"Sprinkles" Make a Good Enrichment Treat Better

"Sprinkles" Make a Good Enrichment Treat Better

"Sprinkles" Make a Good Enrichment Treat Better 1

Via Shedd Aquarium, which writes, “One of the daily play items sea otters like Luna and Watson here interact with is a large floating "donut." Those "sprinkles" are yummy snacks made of blended clam and water that make this already-enriching item extra sweet.”

"Sprinkles" Make a Good Enrichment Treat Better 2
"Sprinkles" Make a Good Enrichment Treat Better 3
Sea Otter Happily Wolfs Down a Tasty Snack

Sea Otter Happily Wolfs Down a Tasty Snack

Otter Defends His King-of-the-Hill Position

Otter Defends His King-of-the-Hill Position