Rescued Sea Otter Pup Joey Does NOT Like His Jellyfish Toy

Rescued Sea Otter Pup Joey Does NOT Like His Jellyfish Toy

Before rescued orphaned sea otter pup Joey was transferred to Vancouver Aquarium, he was cared for at the Marine Mammal Rescue Centre, whose staff took this footage. As you can see, Joey is perfectly happy with his shark toy, but does NOT want that jellyfish!

But then he changed his mind and they became friends:

Little Joey was found on a Kyuquot, B.C. beach last month after a citizen heard him crying out; a deceased female adult, presumed to be his mother, was found shortly afterward. As mentioned above, he was cared for first at the Marine Mammal Rescue Centre before being transferred to Vancouver Aquarium, where he currently resides. Don’t forget to check on Joey on his live cam!

Otter Greets the Morning, Ready for Another Big Day

Otter Greets the Morning, Ready for Another Big Day

That Is Some Sea Otter Pup Side-Eye

That Is Some Sea Otter Pup Side-Eye