And the Winner of the Scottish Animal World Cup Is... the Otter!

And the Winner of the Scottish Animal World Cup Is... the Otter!

And the Winner of the Scottish Animal World Cup Is... the Otter!

I didn’t know this was a thing until it was all over, but the National Trust for Scotland sponsored an 11-week World Cup-style competition to determine Scotland’s favorite animal, and the winner was just announced: the otter! The final round was between the otter and the beautiful Scottish wildcat, which was the favorite to win, but otters won with 56% of the vote! A worthy winner, if you ask the Daily Otter.

And here’s a new otter fact for you: The NTS says that “the Shetland island of Yell is one of the best places in Europe to spot [otters] – they’re known locally as ‘dratsies.’” Dratsies!

Check out all the contestants at the Scottish Animal World Cup’s website!

Photo via National Trust for Scotland

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