Help Name Me, Human!

Help Name Me, Human!

Help Name Me, Human!

Remember our posts on this little guy, rescued on June 25 and taken in by Vancouver Aquarium? Well, now it's time to give this tiny fluffball a name! Vancouver Aquarium is holding a naming contest to help decide on a name, and a winner will receive admission to the Vancouver Aquarium and a Sea Otter Aquadopt kit!

The nominated names are:

  • Hardy: The tiny male otter pup was found swimming along off northern Vancouver Island, and first taken to the District of Port Hardy for initial treatment.
  • Kasa: In Kwak̓wala — the language of the Kwakwa̱ka̱'wakw First Nations on the northeast coast of Vancouver Island — ḵ̓asa is the word for sea otter.
  • Masik:  Also in Kwak̓wala, ma̱si'ḵw is the word for large sea urchins

Vote here! The contest is only open to Canadian residents (excluding Quebec), and Vancouver Aquarium will announce the pup's new name on July 24.

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