And We're Back! — The Daily Otter

And We're Back!

That didn't take long! You'll notice things look a little different around here; we've changed quite a lot to hopefully do away with some bugs and increase functionality. However, everything works pretty much the same.

You can move through posts by following the arrows at either side of each individual post or by using the calendar in the sidebar to the right. 

Commenting is still here - click Show Comments (or Leave a Comment) below the posts to view existing comments and add your own.

As before, you can join the Daily Otter's mailing list by entering your email address in the form at the bottom of the page or follow us on one of our social media accounts. 

If you follow the Daily Otter in your RSS reader, you may wish to check the feed and edit it, if necessary. Use this link.

That's pretty much it! We hope you like the changes, and thanks for following the Daily Otter!

Sea Otter Pup Mimics His Mother

Sea Otter Pup Mimics His Mother

Scheduled Site Maintenance