Vancouver Aquarium's Sea Otter Pups Watch Tanu Swim — The Daily Otter
Vancouver Aquarium's Sea Otter Pups Watch Tanu Swim

Vancouver Aquarium's Sea Otter Pups Watch Tanu Swim

Vancouver Aquarium's Sea Otter Pups Watch Tanu Swim

Vancouver Aquarium's three young sea otter pups, Rialto, Kunik, and Mak, got to meet one of their fellow residents last week: Tanu! In a press release, Marine Mammal Curator Brian Sheehan said:

Tanu and Mak interacted almost immediately and had some good bouts of playful wrestling and porpoising about in their habitat. Tanu then interacted with Kunik in a similar fashion. Rialto, the youngest and most timid pup, remained on a haulout, where he was joined by Kunik and Mak, and then Tanu, who sniffed the pups before she returned to the water to swim and groom. As time passed, the pups became more comfortable and began grooming and spending more and more time in the water.

The pups will meet the other adult sea otters, Elfin and Katmai, in time. For now, here's a throwback to when little Rialto met his two new friends Kunik and Mak!

Video: Rialto, Kunik, and Mak Meet Tanu!

Video: Rialto, Kunik, and Mak Meet Tanu!

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