Otters Find a Snack in a Pond

Otters Find a Snack in a Pond 1 Thanks, Chris! Chris writes:

I work at EA Sports Tiburon Studio in Orlando Florida. We have a sort of office park like area, with a few man made ponds. I heard legend of a pair of otters that would drop by and fish, but it wasn't until one awesome day both showed up playing in our fountain!

Otters Find a Snack in a Pond 2 Otters Find a Snack in a Pond 3

I got some photos of them hanging in the fountain, they also both caught some fish and ate them on the grassy shore. The drew the attention of one of our usuals around the lake, a heron which stuck around for scraps. I haven't seen them since, but I look out there frequently at sunrise/sunset peak activity otter times hoping to see them again. I guess these otters like us gamers, because they were very friendly. :3

Otters Find a Snack in a Pond 4 Otters Find a Snack in a Pond 5

My Pillow... It's Alive!

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