Sea Otters Adaa, Lootas, Aniak and Sekiu Are Reunited!

Sea Otters Adaa, Lootas, Aniak and Sekiu Are Reunited!

The Seattle Aquarium writes:

When a sea otter pup is born, the mom naturally separates herself and her pup away from larger more dominant males. At the Seattle Aquarium we provided Aniak and her pup, Sekiu with the same opportunity for some solitude. Now that Sekiu is almost 7 months old, she is large enough and strong enough to be living in a more dynamic social grouping. This video illustrates the normal touching, sniffing and greeting that takes place between otters that haven’t seen each other for a while. The male Adaa, is displaying appropriate grabbing and mouthing postures to communicate his dominance to Aniak and Sekiu. Once everyone has become reacquainted, the exaggerated behavior subsides and all the otters return to their normal activities.

Submitted by kidkrage!

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